Kabbalah is an ancient Jewish wisdom that explains the laws of spiritual energy. Up until very recently the Kabbalah was reserved for the elite, those who only after years of scholarship and practice were allowed to enter this mystical realm. However, one doesn't need to devote one's life to intense study to reap the rich rewards of the Kabbalah. With just a basic understanding of a few key concepts, our lives can be enriched immensely. We can then begin to fulfill our deepest dreams and reach our most important goals, becoming the people we long to become.

By learning to understand the Sefirot--the ten spiritual properties that flow from the cosmic source into our heart--we can connect to the universe and profoundly transform our experience of daily life. For example, Hessed, or "loving-kindness," represents the desire to be generous, while Gevurah is the desire to focus intently or withhold. These properties must be balanced in order for harmony and well-being to occur. Rabbi Laibl Wolf shows how to maintain that balance and enjoy a healthy and productive life by using simple meditation and creative visualization techniques to grasp the spiritual nature of our life.

Practical Kabbalah draws upon ancient wisdom but offers a modern interpretation and easy-to-understand techniques for delving deeper into our selves and our world and for reaping the bounteous gifts that were always meant for us.

Laibl Wolf (Rabbi), LLB, MEdPsych, is an internationally renowned lecturer in the fields of mind and emotion mastery and personal growth. He has been invited to lecture in 165 cities in the past five years alone, indicating the reputation and wealth of experience, not to speak of stamina, that he possesses. He has founded the Human Development Institute, a foundation dedicated to the progress of humankind through insight and personal mastery. Being one of the few traditional exponents of Kabbalistic teachings while having studied law and psychology as well, he combines the wisdom of the past with a modern and progressive view of the present.He has appeared extensively in the media and has been keynote speaker at international conferences, including those of the International Psychological Association, the International Transpersonal Association, the International Mind/Body/Immunity Conference, and the American Orthodox Union of Rabbis.He has produced an extensive set of self-mastery and meditation audiovisual materials that are available on four continents. These explore the teachings in a more experiential manner, and have the advantage of the author's emphases as well.He resides in Melbourne, Australia, with his wife, Leah, and their three children.