This is an exciting annual issue of Spider-Gwen, published by Marvel Comics in November 2023. It features an incredible creative team, including Rosi Kämpe, Raúl Angulo, Irma Kniivila, Stephanie Phillips, Marika Cresta, Karla Pacheco, and Alberto Foche. The issue is written in English and is part of the Modern Age era of US comics.

The comic includes an amazing cast of characters, including Ghost-Spider, White Fox, Agatha Harkness, The General, Lady Bright, Gun-R II (Cameo), Clea Strange, Jessica Jones, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Gwen Stacy, Tiger Division Taegukgi, Ami Han, and Luna Snow. The cover art by R1c0 is stunning, and the issue is sure to be a valuable addition to any comic book collection.