Directions: Wash and soak 500 g basmati rice in twice its volume of water for 20 min. Also marinate for 30 min. 500 g meat/ Chicken pieces ( with bone ) cut into cubes, in mix of garlic-ginger paste, salt, yogurt & lemon juice. Mean while, chop 150 g onions 200 g peeled potatoes. Fry them in 120 ml cooking oil till onions are brown and potatoes cooked. Add 200 g chopped tomatoes and one pack of Bombay Biryani Masala, mix well till tomatoes are soft. Add meat pieces and 3 cups of water, cover and simmer for 20 min. till meat is cooked and little curry remains. Add salt to taste. Boil rice till half the water remains. In a large, cook & serve pan, place rice in layers with meat mix in between. Add remaining water and simmer till fully cooked. Serve with natural yogurt natural or raita.