straight synthetic lace wigs. 2).Heat Styling
To do this in the safest way for the wig is to only use low heat settings and only heat style infrequently. Heating
with high temperatures or too frequently will shorten the lifespan of the wig and may damage the fibres.If you
find yourself inclined to get the tongs or straighteners out on a daily basis then perhaps it's worth buying two wigs
of different textures (similar length and colouring) that you can wear interchangeably.
3).Controlling Frizz
Curly wigs may become frizzy so invest in a wig spray to smooth it out. If the hair becomes frizzy (this can
happen to curly wigs and non curly wigs) try soaking the wig in water mixed with fabric softener for about
30 minutes. Shampoo/Condition and air dry - never blow dry your synthetic lace wig. Using a wide tooth comb
on your wig is the best way of preserving it. Brushes are only advisable on the straight variety of wigs,
- straight, silky straight and Yaki.
Washing your wig every 10th time of wearing is fine. If you wear your synthetic wig or synthetic lace wig for days
at time then every couple of weeks is ideal (of course if spend time in environments with strong smells, then wash
more frequently or use something like Febreeze and let it air dry)
You can use an ordinary wig shampoo or a wig shampoo but Charley prefers to use a liquid laundry detergent.
A tablespoon of shampoo and sink full of cold water is all you need. Gently swish the wig/hairpiece until you have
some lather.