Pink Dragon Millipedes are a stunning relatively new discovery from South East Asia. Because of their cyanide secretions and brilliant coloration they are fearless explorers both underground and above.  They will seek out any rotting material in the terrarium making them more efficient than springtails.  As they age the shocking pink and black is more pronounced along with their dragon scales. They do best in a planted enclosure with lots of room with 55 to 85 degree temps. Because they are social a minimum of 3 are required to ship. I ship out on Mondays to avoid delay. Volume pricing is available.

GOVERNMENT WARNING: Viewing Pink Dragons in a large planted terrarium after inhaling mind altering substances may cause sensory overload. Consult your physician after prolonged exposures. Children and young adults should refrain from viewing, potentially disrupting their phone and computer schedules.  (Don't worry, we have other ways of watching them.)

Thanx Toad Ranch