6n3p-e Relector Soviet vintage tube

Lot 8pcs - NOS NEW

Radio tube 6N3P-EV double triode (6CC42) - designed to amplify voltage and generate low frequency oscillations. It is used in receivers operating in the ultrashort wave range, as a high-frequency amplifier with a grounded grid, and also as a mixer and local oscillator. Can be used in low-power VHF receivers, pulse circuits and low-frequency pre-amplification stages.

6N3P-EV radio tube of increased durability, reliability and mechanical strength.

Indirect filament oxide cathode. Works in any position. Available in glass finger design.

Lamp characteristics

Filament voltage 6.3 V
Filament current 0.35 A
Anode voltage 150 V
Anode current 6.75 mA
Grid voltage -2 V
Slope characteristic 5.9 mA/V
Gain 36
Operating time 1500 h
Lamp interelectrode capacitances

Input 2.8 pF
Output 1.4 pF
Pass-through 1.6 pF
Between anodes 0.15 pF
Lamp performance limits

Highest anode voltage 300 V
Maximum power dissipated by the anode 1.5 W
Lamp analogues

The closest analogue of the foreign-made 6N3P lamp is the 6CC42 lamp
Service life of at least 5000 hours.
9 pins



If you buy several lots from different brands, I will combine delivery. If you overpay for delivery, I will refund you the price that you overpaid more than the actual delivery cost!
The cost of delivery depends on the weight of the parcel.
Approximate delivery cost (the price depends on the country of the buyer's location for large parcels)
0-250 grams - 10 dollars
250-500 grams - 15 dollars
0.5 - 1 kilogram USD 25-28
1 - 2 kilograms 35-38 dollars.
I try to split large parcels into several sent so that it reaches the buyer better and faster.
Radio lamps and indicators are sent by the Ukrainian state postal service, Ukrposhta
(at this time it works very well and without failures, your purchases will be delivered without problems, all track numbers are tracked the entire way of the shipment and you can see it online in all tracking services)