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"I Am a Good Catholic"

by Matthew Simmons

Jesus did not come to start a tear-jerking pagan religion but to restore a Father-and-son relationship. Jesus Christ did not come to the earth to start thirty-three thousand fractured religious franchises fighting over religious turfs. A fragmented franchise is not a church but a pack of religious pugs fighting, feuding, and fussing with each other. God couldn't care less what religious franchise you are in. He cares if you know Jesus Christ; and that you are born again and washed clean by the blood atonement from what happened on the cross. If the Son of God died for all of us, why is there all this complaining among each denomination? The blood is not a respecter of persons and does not discriminate between denominations. The blood of Jesus is what redeems our unity; just as a person's blood circulates every twenty-three seconds, the blood holds everything together. If the blood stops flowing through the church of Jesus Christ, the church will perish because it is nothing more than a religious country club with religious ceremonies. We have ceremony without conversion. We have ritual without righteousness. We have hype without holiness. We have shout without substance. We have feelings without fact. We have therapy without theology. We have secular without sacred. We have self without a Savior. We have good feelings without the God of glory. If the church can stand in unity, it will be the microcosm of heaven on earth. Light has to have perfect unity, or it cannot exist. Without unity, the church of Jesus Christ cannot exist. It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to become unified and rally around the Word of God and the blood-soaked cross of Jesus Christ. When the body of Christ is united together, you have a unit: one serves all, and all serve one. We cannot be divided because we are united by the blood of Christ. If the ungodly can unite, why can't the righteous unite around the cross? The church can be unified in one of two ways: we can be frozen together, or we can melt together by the fire of the Holy Spirit. I pray that God will melt us together until we lose our individuality, and the glorious beauty of Jesus Christ can be seen through us. A divided, bickering denomination is a testimony to the world that makes Jesus Christ look like a fraud. A unified church walking in covenant relationships is a testimony that Jesus is the real McCoy.

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Author Matthew Simmons
Pages 50
Publisher John Matthew Ministries
Year 2024
ISBN-13 9798869340559
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2024-04-25
Imprint John Matthew Ministries
Audience General
