300+Asian Yu Choy Choi Sum Choy Sum Chinese Flowing Cabbage Seeds 300多粒甜油菜心种子. 2023年种子.

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A 45-day early-maturing variety, it grows quickly with a medium plant size, robust stems, and short leaf petioles. It has few fibers. The stem height is approximately 21-23 centimeters, and the cross diameter is 1.5-2.0 centimeters. The internodal spacing is moderate. It is directly sown in spring. Timing the sowing of seedlings is important to prevent excessive elongation.

45天早熟品种,生长快,株型中等, 菜苔粗壮,叶柄短.纤维少.苔高约21-23厘米,横径1.5-2.0厘米.节间中等.春季采用直播。及时间苗定苗,防止徒长。

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