1954, book -Ponomarev-heroes cruiser Varyag, Voitsekhovsky Russo-Japanese war

102 pages
circulation unknown
the book describes the battle near Chemulpo very well.
At the end of the book there is an extract from the logbook of the 1st rank cruiser VARIANG
A very interesting book for lovers of the history of naval battles ...

Adolf Dominikovich Voytsekhovsky (March 12, 1875 - October 25, 1956) - sailor of the famous cruiser "Varyag" of the Russian Imperial Navy, messenger of the cruiser commander V. F. Rudnev, participant in the battle at Chemulpo during the Russian-Japanese war.

In 1905, while serving on the battleship Potemkin, he took part in the uprising.
Active participant in the uprising on the battleship Potemkin 1905
Memories of the heroes of the cruiser Varyag ...

"Before me stood a member of distant and glorious
e being, a sailor from the famous Russian cruiser, glorified
addition in folk songs.
Now it’s my turn to ask questions.
What is your last name? 
Your name?
My surname is Voitsekhovsky. 
My name is Adolfom, but the sailors called me Anton, and the neighbors call me also.
Excited by an unexpected meeting, I got out of
tablet notebook and pencil and asked the old mother
cable to tell everything he remembers about the "Varyag".
Voitsekhovsky had a lot to tell. 
His memory cokept many details of the battle and the names of the heroes. 
During the conversation the night passed unnoticed. 
In the morning, thanking the owner for
warm welcome, I said goodbye and left for my division.
And when the war ended, I took out of the tin bag
shabby notebook and, having specified on the preserved in the archi-in the documents told by Voitsekhovsky,
essays on the feat of the crew of the Russian cruiser "Varyag"
to "Komsomolskaya Pravda"
Soon Voitsekhovsky was invited
celebration of the first post-war Day of Naval
sky fleet.
When the radio and newspapers reported on their stay in the
the face of a former sailor from the Varyag, to the editorial office of Komso-
Molskaya Pravda "letters began to arrive
heroes of the battle at Chemulpo.
The first letter came from the village of Semenovka, Gus-
Khrustalny district, Vladimir region, from the seventh
five-year-old Kuzma Vasilyevich Khvatkov,
who killed the sailor Voitsekhovsky, with whom he
served on the "Varyag".
Former cook from "Varyag" Yakov Gerasimovich Beschetnov
wrote from the village of Fili, near Moscow:
van lucky chance. 
I want to see
Anton Voischekhovsky and remember with him unforgettable
days and fateful minutes. 
Look forward to meeting
with him".
to Moscow for
from obscurity
your friend
A large letter came from the village of Severov etc"