1. It will be shipped from Asia. Please allow longer shipping time for international airmail.
2. The item will be sent out by the shipping way you choose. Economy shipping has no tracking number and takes about 20-30 days to arrive if everything goes well, or may have some delay; Standard shipping way can trace online, and takes about 15-25 days; Expedited shipping takes only 3-7 business days.
3. We also would like to deliver the item by other means, but the buyer should be responsible for the extra shipping fees.
We only accept payment through PayPal.
Returns and exchanges
1. Our product has been carefully inspected by us before shipping, so we are pleased to offer our buyers Satisfaction Guarantee or Your Money Back.
2. Customers may request for an exchange or refund less than shipping & handling within 30 days of receipt.
3. Product must be returned in its original packaging.
4. Buyers are responsible for paying the shipping and handling charges for exchange.
Contact us
1. Any other query, please contact us.
2. Your satisfaction is extremely important to us. We strive for 5-Star feedback ratings. If for any reason you are not satisfied with our product or service, please contact us before leaving anything less than a 5/5 rating and we will spare no effort to meet your need.