White Lightning Bolt Pepper Lightning Bolt Shape Organic Natural Planting Seeds 

Latin name: Capsicum Baccatum

These peppers have their own unique shapes.

They start out a very light green and begin to turn a whitish color, then if left long enough they turn a very light creamy or peach color.

Flavor-wise, the peppers are very crispy with a mild tropical taste.



Sowing chillies and peppers is very similar to sowing tomatoes.

To germinate the seeds require a temperature above 20° and more or less constant. Since sowing takes place in late winter/early spring, it is impossible to do it outside.

You therefore need a bright place, in a heated room in the house. Behind a south-facing window for example. It can also be done under a heated mini-greenhouse or under a frame and on a warm layer.

1. Sowing is done in pots or terrines. Use potting soil for vegetable gardens, which is richer than that for seedlings (and less expensive).

2. Sow the seeds, spacing them at least 2 cm apart and deepening them one centimeter.

3. Firm it lightly with your hand, then water with lukewarm water, trying not to dig up the seeds. The use of a sprayer is ideal.

4. Moisten the potting soil every day with a sprayer until nothing appears. Depending on the temperature (and the seeds) this lasts from one to three weeks.

5. Then water only when the soil is dry on the surface.

To germinate the seeds do not need lights, so you can place them near a radiator even if the place is not bright. On the other hand, as soon as the first seedlings appear, they must be transferred to the light.

When they have two pairs of leaves it is time to transplant them into pots individually. Finally, when the frosts have passed and the weather is almost summary, you can plant them outside in the vegetable garden.