All books are in like new condition. I bought these last year from abeka (2023). Nothing has been written in. This is what is included. Science Matter and Energy Student Work Text Grade 9

Science Matter and Energy Laboratory Manual Student Work Text Grade 9

Science Matter and Energy Student Quizzes/Tests Volumes 1 and 2 Grade 9

Health Student Work Text Grade 9

Health Student Quizzes/Tests Grade 9

No writing or pencil marks in books Vocabulary Spelling and Poetry Student Work Text Grade 9

Vocabulary Spelling and Poetry Student Quizzes Grade 9

Grammer and Composition Student Work Text Grade 9

Grammer and Composition Student Quizzes/Tests Grade 9

Themes In Literature Student Work Text Grade 9

Themes In Literature Student Quizzes/Tests Grade 9

No writing or pencil marks in books World Geography Student Work Text Grade 9

World Geography Map Studies Student Work Text Grade 9

World Geography Student Quizzes/Tests Grade 9

No writing or pencil marks in books