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Title: Pulpit Aflame: Essays in Honor of Steven J. Lawson

Author: Edited by Joel R. Beeke and Dustin W. Benge

Publisher & Place of Publication: Reformation Heritage Books: Grand Rapids, MI

Year:  2016

Number of Pages: 188

Size:  6 1/4"  Width  x 9 1/4" Height 


  • see attached photo for list of contents (more contents than pictured)


Underlining/Textual Markings: None

Soundness of Binding: Excellent

FoxingSpotting: None

Condition: This book is in excellent condition. Dust jacket has some small, minor scuffs. Cover and spine are in excellent condition since they have been well protected by dust jacket. Pages are very crisp, clean and tidy, and binding is in excellent condition. A worthwhile read!