M58947 (I believe this is microchip. All the newer handbags are supposed to be).

This auction is for Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 Bandouliere Bicolor Monogram Empreinte Leather Handbag. The speedy 25 bandouliere is made from black monogram empreinte leather with the oversized monogram pattern in beige. It has gold-color hardware, Padlock/lock, keys, inside zip pocket, inside flat pocket, double zip closure, adjustable removable strap and has double handles. This speedy was made in France.
Measurements are estimates and that and description are taken from LV website.

I bought this handbag brand new in October 2021 in St Louis MO at the LV store. This bag was my it bag. I used this bag A LOT! It has been on trips (that is where I lost the dust bag in either Austin or San Antonio), dates with husband, grocery store, just everywhere. So what I am saying is that this was the handbag I carried more than any of my other LV's. I haven't used it since March in Colorado, so I'm just organizing and going through handbags and updating styles.

This handbag is in preowned but good condition. The hardware has minor scratches and probably needs to be polished. There is a scuff mark on the bottom of the bag (11th picture), there are some creases in the leather (last picture, really shows it), the handbag probably needs to be stuff with tissue for shape. It's a really good handbag but definitely has been loved. If you have any questions, I'll try to answer the best I can.
Also, they have the lining as red, but I feel it's a little Burgandy color, but that might just be me. 

There is no box and no dustbag.
We are a cat family and unfortunately their hair does travel.
Payment is due within 2 days for auction and immediately for buy it now. This will ship to eBay authenticator first. It will ship USPS either ground or priority. Thanks!