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Rare vintage books on disk - Antique list of Books

A truly fascinating rare collection of Vintage books focussing on the subject of Ancient Alchemical teachings.  After carefully selecting the best quality available, these books have been scanned and put onto disk to arrive at this incredible library and reference archive. Within the pages of the books are many 1,000s of diagrams, explanations, illustrations and detailed information to further your knowledge and understanding on the subject. Just some of the areas that can be discovered and learnt about are:- Alchemy, hermetic mystery, Chemical transmutation, ...... and so much more. 



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The complete list of books on the disk has been reproduced below. We encourage you to carefully read through the list to see the quality and quantity that we provide. Then we encourage you to do the same with other sellers; we suggest that procedure because it is the process we would use ourselves to make sure that we are getting what we want, and also because we know that our products stand up to comparison and will emerge as the superior product.



Contents of the DVD disk - Book list 

Rare Vintage-Antique books in PDF format


18th Century Chemical Terms
A catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals, (1665 to 1882) - H C Bolton (1885)
A Chymicall Treatise of Arnoldus de Nova Villa
A course of chymistry - Nicholas Lemery (1686)
A discovrse of fire and salt, discovering many secret mysteries, as well philosophicall, as theologicall - B. de Vigenere (1649)
A Lexicon of Alchemy - M Rulandus
A new light of alchymie taken out of the fountaine of nature, and manuall experience - M Sedziwoj (1650)
A new light of alchymy - taken out of the fountain of nature and manual experience  to which is added a treatise of sulphur - M. Sedziwoj (1674)
A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1892 - H. C. Bolton (1893)
A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1892 - Henry Carrington Bolton (1893)
A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1897  First supplement - Henry Carrington Bolton (1899)
A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1897  Section VII Academic dissertations  - Henry Carrington Bolton (1901)
A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1902 - Henry Carrington Bolton (1904)
A short enquiry concerning the hermetic art - W. Wynn Westcott (1894)
A suggestive inquiry into the hermetic mystery - M. A. Atwood (1850)
A suggestive inquiry into the hermetic mystery with a dissertation on the more celebrated of the alchemical philosophers - Mary Anne Atwood (1850)
A Treatise On The Great Art - A J Pernety
A Victorian Occultist and Publisher, Robert H. Fryar of Bath - S Chapman
A Work Of Saturn - J I Hollandus
A Work Of Saturn 1670 - J I Hollandus
Account of an alchemical roll on parchment, presented by the Earl of Cromarty in 1707 (1876)
Alchemiae Gebri Arabis philosophi solertissimi libri, cum reliquis, ut versa pagella indicabit - R. Bacon (1545) [Latin]
Alchemical Works Of Geber - E J Holmyard and Richard Russell (1686)
Alchemie und Arkanologie im Gegensatze zur Schulmedizin (1888) [German]
Alchemy - ancient and modern - H. S. Redgrove (1911)
Alchemy - ancient and modern [2nd Edition]- H. S. Redgrove (1922)
Alchemy - Rediscovered and restored (1941) [Text facsimilie only, not scan]
Alchemy & the Beginnings of Chemistry - M Pattison Muir
Alchemy Ancient and Modern - H S Redgrove (1911)
Alchemy and the Alchemists - (1850)
Alchemy Its Science & Romance - J E Mercer
Alchemy Rediscovered  Restored - A Cockren
Alchemy The Turba Philosophorum - A E Waite (1896)
Alchimia nova, das ist, Die guldene Kunst selbst, oder, Aller Kunsten Mutter - sampt dero heimlichen Secreten  - G Birelli (1603) [German]
Amphitheatrvm sapientiae aeternae - Heinrich Khunrath (1609) [Latin]
An Alchemical Mass
An easie introduction to the philosophers magical gold, to which is added, Zoroasters cave,  otherwise called, The philosophers stone - J. Thor (1667)
An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King
Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland; contributions to Irish lore - L. Wilde (1890)
Anima magica abscondita, or, A discourse of the universall spirit of nature - with his strange, abstruse, miraculous ascent and descent - T. Vaughan (1650)
Antimony - C Y Wang (1919)
Aphorismi Urbigerani, Certain rules clearly demonstrating the 3 infallible ways of preparing the grand elixir, or circulatum majus of the philosophers - B. Urbigerus (1690)
Aphorisms of Urbigerus
Apotelesmata philosophica Mercvrii trivmphantis - M. Copus (1601) [Latin]
Appendix necessaria Syntagmatis arcanorum chymicorum Andreae Libavii (1615) [Latin]
Appologia Alchymiae - R W Councell
Arbor scientiæ venerabilis et cælitvs illuminati patris Ravmvndi Lvllii Maiorieensis - R llull (1635) [Latin]
Arcana arcanissima, hoc est, Hieroglyphica aegyptio-graeca - M. Maier (1614) [Latin]
Archidoxa Philippi Theophrasti Paracelsi Bombast - (1570) [German]
Archidoxorvm Avreoli Ph. Theophrasti Paracelci de secretis natvrae mysteriis libri decem - Gerhard Dorn (1570)
Ars et theoria transmvtationis metallicae cum Voarchad£mia - G Pantheo (1550) [Latin[
Arzneikunst und Alchemie im siebzehnten Jahrhundert (1890) [Geman]
Atalanta fugiens, hoc est, Emblemata nova de secretis naturae chymica - M Maier (1618) [German]
Aula Lucis - T Vaughan
Aula lucis, or, The house of light, a discourse written in the year 1651 - T. Vaughan (1652)
Aurum aurae, vi magnetismi universalis attractum - C. A. Balduin (1674)
Avreoli Philippi Theophrasti Paracelsi philosophorum atque medicorum excellentissimi - Gerhard Dorn (1570) [German]
Avrevm vellvs, oder, Guldin Schatz und Kunst-Kammer - S. Trismosin (1708) [German]
Azoth et ignis, das ist, Das wahre elementarische Wasser und Feuer, oder, Mercurius philosophorum - H. Fictuld (1749) [German]
Baco Verulamius alchemicis philosophis quid debuerit (1889)
Basil Valentine his triumphant chariot of antimony - B. Valentine (1678)
Berliner Alchemisten und Chemiker - August Wilhelm von Hofmann (1882) [German]
Bibliographical notes on histories of inventions and books of secrets Vol 1 - J. Ferguson (1895)
Bibliographical notes on histories of inventions and books of secrets Vol 2 - J. Ferguson (1910)
Bibliotheca chemica - a catalogue of the alchemical, chemical and pharmaceutical books in the collection of the late James Young Vol. 1 - J. Ferguson (1906)
Bibliotheca chemica - a catalogue of the alchemical, chemical and pharmaceutical books in the collection of the late James Young Vol. 2 - J. Ferguson (1906)
Bygone beliefs - being a series of excursions in the byways of thought - H. S. Redgrove (1920)
Cabala chymica - Georg Klet (1606) [German]
Cabala Mineralis
Cabala, Spiegel der Kunst und Natur in Alchymia - R. Custos (1663) [German]
Calendarium naturale magicum perpetuum profundissimam rerum secretissimarum contemplationem totiusque Philosophiae  - M. Merian  (1619) [One page Chart]
Catalogue of a large and splendid library, of choice and rare works...belonging to...Judge Furman (1849)
Catalogue of works on alchemy and chemistry - H C Bolton (1891)
Catalogue of works on alchemy and chemistry, exhibited at the Grolier Club, New-York, Jan. 16th to Jan 26th, 1891 (1891)
Catalogus manuscriptorum chemico-alchemico-magico-cabalistico -medico-physico-curiosorum (1788) [Latin]
Centuria chymica, hoc est (1652) [German]
Centuria chymica, hoc est, Tractatus aureus de lapide philosophorum carmine conscriptus -  (1652) [German]
Chemisch Kabinet (Atalanta Fugiens) - M Maier (1708) [German]
Chinesische Alchimie. Separatabdruck (1909) [German]
Chymische Hochzeit - C. Rosencreutz (1616) [German]
Cinq traites d'alchimie des plus grands philosophes - Albert Poisson (1890) [French]
Claveus Germanicus, das ist, Ein kostlichess Buchlein von dem Stein der Weisen - Gaston LeDoux de Claves (1617)
Clavis sapientiae, das ist, Ein edles vnd kostliches Buchlein vom Stein der Weysen welcher genant wird, der Schlussel der grössern Weissheit - Artephius (1618) [German]
Clavis totius philosophiae chymisticae, per quam obscura philosophorum dicta referantur - Gerhard Dorn (1567) [Latin]
Codicillus seu vade mecum Raymundi Lulli philosophi doctissimi - in quo fontes alchimicae artis ac philosophiae - R. Llull (1572) [Latin]
Codicillvs, sev vade mecvm Raymvndi Lvlli - Ramon Llull (1572)
Coelum Philosophorum - Paracelsus
Coelvm philosophorvm, sev, De secretis naturae liber - P. Ulstadius (1528) [Latin]
Coelvm philosophorvm, sev, Liber de secretis naturae - P. Ulstadius (1553) [Latin]
Collectanea chemica - being certain select treatises on alchemy and hermetic medicine - E Philalethes (1893)
Collectanea Chemica - Ed. A E Waite
Collectanea chymica a collection of ten several treatises in chymistry - Eiranaeus Philalethes (1684) [Latin]
Collectanea medico-physica, oft, Hollands jaar-register - Steven Blankaart (1680) [Dutch]
Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs - M. Bethelot (1887) [French]
Comment on devient alchimiste - F. Jollivet Castelot (1897) [French]
Compendivm alchimiae ... cum dictionario eiusdem artis - Arnaldus de Villanova (1560) [latin]
Contributions of alchemy to numismatics - H. C. Bolton (1890)
D. Johannis Tackii - Triplex phasis sophicus solis orbe expeditus humanaeque fragilitati & spei resurrectionis rerum consecratus - J. Tacke (1673) [Latin]
De alchemia dialogi II - G. Braccesco (1548) [Latin]
De mineralibus tractatus in genere (1625) [Latin]
De re metallica, hoc est de origine - Christoph Entzelt (1557) [Latin]
De secretis nature siue de quinta essentia libellus - R Llull (1518) [Latin]
De secretis nature siue de quinta essentia libellus - R. Llull (1518) [Latin]
Della tramutatione metallica sogni tre - G. B. Nazari (1599) [Italian]
Donum Dei - G Aurach
Dyas chymica tripartita, das ist, Sechs herzliche deutsche philosophische Tractatlein - J. Grasshoff (1625) [German]
Earliest Alchemy - Arthur John Hopkins (1918) [8-page Article]
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
Evphrates, or, The waters of the east  ... secret fountain, whose water flows from fire, and carries in it the beams of the sun and moon - T. Vaughan (1655)
Examen fvcorvm psevdo-chymicorvm detectorvm et in gratiam veritatis amantium succincte refutatorum - M. Maier (1617) [Latin]
Fasciculus chemicus, or, Chymical collections - expressing the ingress, progress, and egress of the secret Hermetick science - A. Dee (1650)
Five treatises of the philosophers stone - H. Pinnell (1651)
Four books of Johannes Segerus Weidenfeld, concerning the secrets of adepts - J. S. Weidenfeld (1685)
Freher's Process in the Philosophical Work
From alchemy to chemistry - John Read (1844)
Geberis philosophi perspicacissimi - Geber (1542) [Latin]
Giordano Bruno and the Rosicrucians.  A mystery unveiled, among magic, alchemy and philosophy - Guido del Giudice [8-page Article]
Glory Of The World
Hadriani à Mynsicht alias Tribudenii ... Thesaurus et armamentarium medico-chymicum - A. von Mynsicht (1638)
Hercules piochymicus - P. J. Fabre (1634) [Latin]
Hermes Unveiled - Cyliani (1831)
Hermetic Chemistry - Paracelsus the Great
Hermetic Philosophy & Alchemy - M A Atwood
Hermippus Redivivus, or, the Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave - Johann Heinrich Cohausen (1744)
Hortulanus' Commentary on the Emerald Tablet
Institutiones chimicae prodromae, id est, Joannis Joachimi Becheri Spirensis - J. J. Becher (1664) [Latin]
Introitvs in veram et inauditam physicam defensus - Matthias Scheffer (1680) [Latin]
Io. Bap. Portae Neopolitani de distillatione lib. IX - G. della Porta (1608) [Latin]
Jocvs severvs, hoc est, Tribvnal aeqvvm, qvo noctva regina avivm - M. Maier (1617) [Latin]
Joh. Joachimi Beccheri ... Physica subterranea profundam subterraneorum genesin e principiis hucusque ignotis ostendens - J. J. Becher (1738) [Latin]
Joh. Michaelis Faustij ... Compendium alchymist - J. M. Faust (1706) [German, Latin]
Johannis Conradi Barchusen Elementa chemiae, quibius subjuncta est, Confectura lapidis philosophici, imaginibus repraesentata - J. C. Barchusen (1718) [Latin]
Johannis Ottoni Helbigii, Thuringi, philosophi & medicinae doctoris, Introitus in veram atque inauditam physicam - J. O. Von Hellwig (1680) [Latin]
Kitab Al Bulhan (or book of wonders) - Abd al-hasan Al-Isfahani (1390)
Kitab-i-Iqan (Book of Certitude)
Lives of alchemystical philosophers - F. Barrett, A E Waite  (1888)
L'or potable, qui guarit de tous maux - G. de Castaigne (1660) [French]
Mary the Prophetess
Medicina diastatica, or, Sympatheticall mumie - containing many mysterious and hidden secrets in philosophy and physick - Paracelsus (1653)
Medicina practica, or, Practical physick - W. Salmon (1692)
Mental alchemy - B. Brown Williams (1854)
Monas Hieroglyphica - J Dee
Mutus Liber
Natural magick - G. della Porta (1658)
Nicholas Flammel - his exposition of the hieroglyphical figures which he caused to be painted upon an arch in St. Innocents church yard in Paris (1890)
Occult chemistry - clairvoyant observations on the chemical elements - A. W. Besant (1908)
Occvlta philosophia - T. Hermes (1613) {German]
Of Natural & Supernatural Things - B Valentinus
Of the chymical transmutation, the genealogy and generation of metals & minerals - Paracelsus (1657)
On remedies in the Sloane collections, and on alchemical symbols - F. C. J. Spurrell (1894)
On The Philadelphian Gold
Paracelsus & the Substance of His Teaching - F Hartmann
Pharmacopoeia Bateana Or Bate's Dispensatory (1694)
Philosophia hermetica - a course of ten lessons, being an introduction to The Philosophy of Alchemy - A. S. Raleigh (1916)
Philosophy of the Alchymical Cabalistical Vision
Philosophy reformed & improved in four profound tractates  the I. discovering the great and deep mysteries of nature by Paracelsus - O Croll (1657)
Polygraphice, ... to which also is added, I. The one hundred and twelve chemical arcanums of Petrus Johannes Faber. II. An abstract of choice chemical preparations - W. Salmon (1685)
Preface of Signatures - O Croll
Raymundi Lulli doctissimi et celeberrimi philosophi De secretis naturae, seu De quinta essentia liber vnus - R Llull (1567) [Latin]
Raymvndi Lvlli De secretis natvrae, sev de quinta essentia liber vnus - R Llull (1567) [Latin]
Remarks upon alchemy and the alchemists - Ethan Allen Hitchcock (1857)
Remarks upon alchemy and the alchemists - Ethan Allen Hitchcock (1865)
Rosa Alchemica - W B Yeats
Scientific studies, or, practical, in contrast with chimerical pursuits, exemplified in two popular lectures - H Dircks (1879)
Siris - a chain of philosophical reflexions and inquiries concerning the virtues of tar water, and divers other subjects connected together - G. Berkeley (1744)
Slendor Solis
Some English alchemical books  being an address delivered to The Alchemical Society on Friday, October 10th, 1913
Splendor solis - alchemical treatises of Solomon Trismosin (1920)
Swedenborg, a hermetic philosopher - being a sequel to Remarks on alchemy and the alchemists - E. A. Hitchcock (1858)
Symbola avreae mensae dvodecim nationvm - M. Maier (1617) [Latin]
The Alchemical Catechism
The alchemical essence and the chemical element an episode in the quest of the unchanging (1894)
The alchemical testament of John Gybbys of Exeter (1854)
The alchemical writings of Edward Kelly - E. Kelly (1893)
The Alchemists (1869)
The Arcane Formulas or Mental Alchemy
The Art Of Distillation - J French
The Aurora of the Philosophers - Paracelsus
The Book Of Lambspring 1607 (original scan)
The Book of Lambspring
The book of quinte essence or the fifth being, that is to say, man's heaven - Hermes Trismegistus (1866)
The book of the magi  a complete system of occult philosophy, consisting of natural, celestial, cabalistic, and ceremonial magic - F Barrett (1896)
The divine pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus (1650)
The divine pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus (1894)
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes
The follies of science at the court of Rudolph II, 1576-1612 - H. C. Bolton (1904)
The Golden Chain of Homer - Anton Josef Kirchweger
The Golden Chain of Homer
The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus
The harmony of the world - J. Heydon (1662)
The Hermetic and Alchemcial writings of Aureolus Bombast Vol 1 - A E Waite (1894)
The Hermetic and Alchemcial writings of Aureolus Bombast Vol 2 - A E waite (1894)
The Hermetic Arcanum
The Hermetic Museum Vols I &  II - A E Waite
The hermetical triumph, or, The victorious philosophical stone - a treatise concerning the hermetical magistery - A. T.  Limojon de Saint-Didier (1745)
The Key Of The Mysteries - Eliphas Levi
The Kitab-I-Aqdas
The life of Philippus Theophrastus Bombast of Hohenheim, known by the name of Paracelsus - F Hartmann (1887)
The lives of alchemystical philosophers - F. Barrett (1815)
The magus, or, Celestial intelligencer - F. Barrett (1801)
The Message of Aquaria - H. A. Curtiss (1921)
The Mirror of Alchemy - Roger Bacon
The Mirror of Alchimy - Roger Bacon
The mystery and romance of alchemy and pharmacy - C. J. S. Thompson (1897)
The new pearl of great price - G Lacinia (1894)
The New Pearl Of Great Price
The Philosophers Stone - Israel Regardie
The Pictorial Symbols of Alchemy - A E Waite
The Secret Book of Artephius
The Secret of the Golden Flower - Richard Wilhelm and Carl Jung
The Six Keys Of Eudoxus
The Stone of the Philosophers - Edward Kelly
The Theatre of Terrestrial Astrononmy - E Kelly
The Tincture of the Philosophers - Paracelsus
The Tomb of Semiramis
The Treasure of Treasures For Alchemists - Paracelsus
The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine
The Virgin of the World of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
The Vision of the Universal Mercury
Tract On the Tincture & Oil of Antimony - R Bacon
Triumphal Chariot of Antimony - B Valentine
Turba Philosophorum Parts I & II
Verae alchemiae artis'qve metallicae citra aenigmata, doctrina, certvs'qve modus (1561) [Latin]
What Is Alchemy - A E Waite

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- the individual items that make up this compilation have been selected and coordinated to produce, for the first time, this unique library, and as such the disk and it's contents in their entirety may not be reproduced or sold on  eBay or elsewhere.