This Pokemon you'll receive has the following details:
OT: ナーク
ID: 240601
Event: Kaito Arii Talonflame
This trade is for game: Scarlet & Violet
This event is 100% legal and untouched. For further details on this event you can use Bulbapedia.
If you want to see my other listings for Events in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet [click here].
If you have further questions [click here] to contact me.
You can also reach me via Discord: fulacitypokecenter
To trade:
* You need NSO subscription to use internet to trade.
* Go in-game, Press X, Select "Poké Portal". Press "L button" to connect INTERNET
* Select "Link Trade", Enter the code I'll give you
* Press "+" and select "Begin Searching"
No shipping involved at all since this is a virtual trade.
Over 3000+ positive feedback with over 10.000+ sales.
Fast delivery
100% legal Pokemon (!!!) safe to use anywhere. Use them in Pokemon Home, GTS, Pokemon Online Battles, Online Raids, Online Trades without issues!
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Nintendo, Creatures Inc, The Pokémon Company or GAMEFREAK. You are paying for the time and effort I spent breeding/obtaining the listed Pokémon.