‘Gillian Ross’s CD are like vitamins for my soul. Her warmth really translates through them. They help me to unwind from a stressful day and inspire me to be kinder to myself and others.’ – Corinne Dos Anjos

Our externalised and mentally active lifestyles make meditation alluring but difficult. With this in mind, Gillian begins each of the two half-hour sessions on this CD with a deep relaxation practice that you are invited to do lying down. Releasing physical stress in your body and slowing down your mental activity then helps you to prepare you for your sitting meditation practice.

These beautiful meditations are inspired by classic Buddhist techniques for stilling your mind and finding the inner peace and joy that awakens compassion for all beings. They are suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators.

The practices on this CD have been approved by the Chenrezig Institute for Tibetan Buddhist Studies in Queensland.

Track Listing:

Session One
1. Relaxation (lying down)
2. Object Meditation (sitting)
3. Heart Meditation (sitting)

Session Two
4. Relaxation (lying down)
5. Breath Awareness Meditation (sitting)
6. Heart Meditation (sitting)