Guozhihua (zhonghanliang), a Chinese returnee, got to know Yangxi (langyueting), a psychologist who was conducting academic exchanges in Seoul in South Korea, and entrusted her to conduct post-traumatic psychological diagnosis and treatment for her burned and disfigured brother guozhida. At the same time, a fierce China South Korea football match is going on in Seoul. On the occasion of the decisive battle, the Chinese captain suddenly learns that his fiancee has been kidnapped by a mysterious man. If he wants to save his fiancee, he must win the game. After the South Korean police received the alarm, special agent group leader jiangchengjun (lizhengzai) quickly targeted the suspect at a masked man. After a battle of wits and courage, the police successfully rescued the hostages. When he thought it was over, jiangchengjun found that the masked man's plan had just begun. The hostage incident was just the beginning of all the crises. Three bombs with amazing power were placed in the stadium of the final. If the masked man's puzzle could not be solved, 50000 spectators on the scene would disappear into the explosion with the stadium, and the danger continued

Chinese Name: startling reversal
Foreign name: Tik tok
Production time: 2015
Production companies: China Film Corporation, Beijing Hairun Film Co., Ltd
Distribution company: China Film Corporation
Director: Li Jun
Screenwriter: dingxiaoyang
Starring: zhonghanliang, lizhengzai, langyueting
Media: DVD
Number of dishes: 1
Area code: Zone 6
Dubbing: Chinese
Supers: Simplified Chinese